Sunday, 2 April 2017

#Top 10 Good Friday SMS Wishes Message 2017 || Holy Week Good Friday Wishes

10 Good Friday SMS Wishes Message: Are you looking for Good Friday Wishes? well!! you are at right site. because its the time of holy week. holy week is the awesome time for every christian. Good Friday is the day in which lord Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It is followed by Easter Day, the glorious celebration of the day Jesus was raised from the dead, heralding his victory over sin and death and pointing ahead to a future resurrection for all who are united to him by faith.

Here in this post we have collected some Good Friday SMS Wishes. if you are searching for best good friday message then here we have provides Holy Week Good Friday Wishes. good friday comes before the day of Easter Day 2017. so for this purpose everyone of you are looking for good friday images. here we also lists some great information regarding Easter images or happy Easter cards. 

#Top 10 Good Friday SMS Wishes Message: Holy Week Good Friday Wishes
#Top 10 Good Friday SMS Wishes Message: Holy Week Good Friday Wishes

10 Good Friday SMS Wishes Message-

I am the witness
to his fearless death.
I am a token of his
last promise
I am the CROSS
Blessings on Good Friday  

The cross was 2 pieces of dead wood;
and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it;
yet it was mightier than the world,
and triumphed & will ever triumph over it.
Good Friday…

Jesus drew the sinful expectations of the world unto himself…
Absorbed them & bore them on the cross…
His death was the death of sin itself…
Let’s pray to him and make our faith strong…
Have a Blessed Good Friday!  

Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus
The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice.
He took our guilt and blame upon Himself
So we could be with Him in paradise.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
May you live in his abiding love.
May Jesus who was born in a manger
be born again in your Heart.
Good Friday 2017

Holy Week Message Wishes SMS-

We Are Progressively Willing
For God Himself Works In Our
Souls, In The Deepest Depths,
Taking Increasing Control As
We Are Progressively Willing
To Be Prepared For His Wonder.
Wish U Very Best Good Friday.!
Happy Holy Week 2017

“Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.”
May the grace and glory of the Lord…
surround you and
be with you on Good Friday!
happy holy week 2017

May Lord bless you on
this auspicious day of Easter,
and May it be a new beginning
of greater prosperity,
success and happiness.
Wish you a Happy Easter and Holy week

Happy Easter messages for children, for brother and family and for your man is mahogany happy easter messages.
Happy easter and happy passover messages is like a very quick disappear in favor of the enjoyment of the eve.
happy holy week

The Easter feeling does not end,
it signals a new beggining of nature spring
and brand new life of friendship.
Happy Easter to My Best Friend!
happy easter and holy week 2017

If You like this post "Good Friday SMS Wishes Message". then do't forget to share these Holy Week Good Friday Wishes for Friends, Husband, Wife with your friends family, or relatives wish you all happy Good Friday or Happy Holy Week 2017. 


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