Friday, 17 March 2017

Maundy Thursday Message - Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes 2017 Holy Week SMS

Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes: Are you looking for Maundy Thursday Message? well!! you are at right site. because its the time of holy week. holy week is the awesome time for every christian. Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, is a Christian observance in the United States.
It is the day before Good Friday and takes place during Holy Week. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s last supper and the initiation of Holy Communion (the Eucharist), observed in many Christian churches.

Here in this post we have collected some best Maundy Thursday Message. if you are searching for best Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes 2017 then here we have provides Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes Message for you. Maundy Thursday Comes before the good friday and Easter Day
so for this purpose everyone of you are looking for good friday sms, Easter SMS. Also Read "Good Friday Images, Good Friday Greeting Cards Ecards: Holy Week 2017", "Good Friday Message, Good Friday sms wishes for Friends, Husband, Wife: Holy Week 2017".

Maundy Thursday Message- Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes 2017 Holy Week SMS
Maundy Thursday Message- Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes 2017 Holy Week SMS

Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes-

Blesses holy thursday.
For me this is sadder
than good Friday.
This is the time when
Jesus offered him self
as the lamb at
the last supper.
Maundy Thursday Quotes

Holy Thursday, The disciples prepare the passover meal,
They meet in the upper room, Jesus washes the disciples feet,
and they head to the garden of Gethsemane post meal,
something that rubs against every law of Jewish culture,
but is quintessential Jesus. This is it...the cup won't be passed.
Everything Jesus ever said about the Kingdom, Temples,
and the empires of men is about to become very real.

“If we but paused for a moment to consider
attentively what takes place in this Sacrament,
I am sure that the thought of Christ's love for
us would transform the coldness of our hearts
into a fire of love and gratitude.”
- St. Angela of Foligno

Maundy Thursday commemorates
the Last Supper of Jesus Christ
as He shared with the Apostles
the meal of the New Covenant,
The washing of the disciples’
feet  and Jesus’ new command
to his disciples
to “Love One Another”.

"The Bread that we need each
day to grow in eternal life,
makes of our will a docile
instrument of the Divine Will;
sets the Kingdom of God within us;
gives us pure lips, and a pure heart
with which to glorify his holy name."
- Edith Stein

Happy Maundy Thursday Message-

Later that night, after sundown – because
Passover began at sundown- the Holy Thursday
Liturgy takes place, marking the end of Lent
and the beginning of the sacred "Triduum,”
or three, of Holy Week. These days are
the three holiest days in the Catholic Church.
maundy thursday messages for facebook sharing

When u face problems in life
don’t ask GOD to take them away
Ask Him to show His purpose
Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.
whatsapp maundy thursday  sms

I throw myself at the foot
of the Tabernacle like a
dog at the foot of his Master.
– St. John Vianney

The Eucharist is the
source and summit
of the Christian life.
– Pope John Paul II

It would be easier for the
world to survive without the
sun than to do so without
the Holy Mass. – Padre Pio

If You like this post "Happy Maundy Thursday Quotes". then do't forget to share these Maundy Thursday message for Friends, Husband, Wife with your friends family, or relatives wish you all happy Maundy Thursday or Happy Holy Week 2017.


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