Wednesday 5 April 2017

#14 Good Friday Quotes Happy Good Friday SMS Best Good Friday Message 2017

Good Friday Quotes SMS Message: Are you looking for Good Friday Message? well!! you are at right site. Here in this post we have collected some best good friday Quotes. if you are searching for best good friday SMS then here we have provides Good Friday sms message for for you. good friday comes before the day of easter Day 2017. so for this purpose everyone of you are looking for good friday SMS Wishes. here we also lists some great information regarding easter Message or happy easter Quotes 2017. 

#14 Good Friday Quotes Happy Good Friday SMS Best Good Friday Message 2017
#14 Good Friday Quotes Happy Good Friday SMS Best Good Friday Message 2017

Good Friday Quotes-

Who his own self bare our sins
in his own body on the tree,
that we, being dead to sins,
should live unto righteousness:
by whose stripes ye were healed.
Bible – Peter
happy good friday quotes 2017

If Christ is God,
He cannot sin,
and if suffering
was a sin in and
by itself, He could
not have suffered and
died for us. However,
since He took the most
horrific death to
redeem us, He showed us
in fact that suffering
and pain have great power.
good friday quotes for facebook twitter

The dripping blood our only drink,
The bloody flesh our only food:
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood--
Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.”
? T.S. Eliot
good friday quotes

Christmas and Easter can
be subjects for poetry,
but Good Friday,
like Auschwitz, cannot.
The reality is so horrible
it is not surprising that
people should have found
it a stumbling block to faith.
? W.H. Auden
good friday quotes

Maybe the Good Friday story
is about how God would rather
die than be in our
sin-accounting business anymore.
? Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint
good friday quotes 2017

Happy Good Friday SMS Message-

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
May you live in his abiding love. May Jesus who was born
in a manger be born again in your Heart.
happy good friday
Good Friday sms 2017

On this Holy day
May His light guide your path
May his love grace your heart
And may His scarifice strengthen
Your Soul !
good friday message

He showed us the way
He has long been gone
And yet in our hearts
His name shines on....
Wish u a Holy Friday!
good friday sms 2017

Good Friday.
Way of the Cross.
Fasting and abstinence.
Examine consciousness.
Have a day very blessed.
good friday message 2017

Pray to the Holy Shepherd
Kiss his tender feet
Dat he lead you ever
And hear your bleat?
Wish you a sacred Friday!
good friday message for facebook

If You like this post "Good Friday Quotes SMS Message". then do't forget to share these Happy Good Friday SMS Best Good Friday Message 2017 for Friends, family, or relatives wish you all Happy Easter or Happy Good Friday


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